Biniam Yibaleh BinIAM
3 min readJan 26, 2023

The world faces conflict, violence & war in today’s world of globalization & because of the diversity of peoples in terms of race, gender, age, class, place of birth, ethnicity, religion & belief. In addition to the suffering of ( the people in TIGRAY/ ETHIOPIA ) caused by conflicts and violence related to issues of domination & submission of criminals, we have to face evolutionary changes. Furthermore, the scientific revolution, like many revolutions, laid the foundations for a cruel new authority, that of science itself, which became an ideological justification for both maintaining and changing the social order.

In the 21st century, new technological revolutions have hit the globe & created chaotic conditions in all regions of the world. History has shown that Africa ( Like in Tigray) & its cultural tradition in particular have survived constant human & mechanical invasions, natural disasters, droughts, famines & War victims. Africa will survive thanks to technological advances & global peacemaking organisations. The reason for Africa’s resilient diet over thousands of years lies in its accommodating & succinct spirituality, which is accepting of people of different races, genders & ethnicities. The African cultural like Tigray/Eastern Africa, tradition is characterized by inclusive spirituality, ethnicities & adherence to the ethics of non-aggression, peaceful coexistence & concern for humanity. Various social phenomena & customs are relevant to the philosophies of various religions in the world or in Africa.


Peace Is More Than War’s Absence, and New Research Explains How to Build It

  • A new project measures ways to promote positive social relations among groups

By Peter T. Coleman, Allegra Chen-Carrel, Vincent Hans Michael Stueber on December 2, 2021

Today, the misery of war is all too striking in places such as Syria, Yemen, Tigray, Myanmar and Ukraine. It can come as a surprise to learn that there are scores of sustainably peaceful societies around the world, ranging from indigenous people in the Xingu River Basin in Brazil to countries in the European Union. Learning from these societies, and identifying key drivers of harmony, is a vital process that can help promote world peace.

Unfortunately, our current ability to find these peaceful mechanisms is woefully inadequate. The Global Peace Index (GPI) and its complement the Positive Peace Index (PPI) rank 163 nations annually and are currently the leading measures of peacefulness. The GPI, launched in 2007 by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), was designed to measure negative peace, or the absence of violence, destructive conflict, and war. But peace is more than not fighting. The PPI, launched in 2009, was supposed to recognize this and track positive peace, or the promotion of peacefulness through positive interactions like civility, cooperation and care.

Yet the PPI still has many serious drawbacks. To begin with, it continues to emphasize negative peace, despite its name. The components of the PPI were selected and are weighted based on existing national indicators that showed the “strongest correlation with the GPI,” suggesting they are in effect mostly an extension of the GPI. For example, the PPI currently includes measures of factors such as group grievances, dissemination of false information, hostility to foreigners, and bribes.

Biniam Yibaleh BinIAM

So there is no new truth but only a fresh revelation of ancient truth, as she testified in..Tel +4915127979800 #ጉግል #BinIAM #YibALeh #ቢንያም nEvEr rUn nEvEr StaY.