Biniam Yibaleh BinIAM
2 min readNov 10, 2022
  • Well, peace is not a one-way street. But it seems that these pathetic regimes from different parts of the world are still running with their war supplies to keep up their genocidal notions. Sure, Tigray need humanitarian aid and peace immediately. The Ethiopian people need stability immediately. Unfortunately, these lazy warmongers in Addis Ababa could never trust them and their handful of destructive groups endanger their unconventional catastrophe for all Ethiopians. The people of Tigray and all who oppose this genocidal war must step forward and be a voice for the voiceless. This war against the Tigray people and its consequences are devastating for the entire Horn of Africa.

Peace !!

( 1. So the only option to insure the right and #freedom of Tigray must’ve an independent force to defend itself for the coming generations**

2. The #future must be assured to have the #liberty of having a strong self-defense Tigray**)

#WarCrime #UnitedNation #War #Peace #BinIAM #AfricaFreedomAfrica



#ትግራይ #አፍሪካ #StopGenocide #TigraiMediaHouse #GenocideInTigray #Justice #WarCrimes #Tigray #Africa #Ethiopia #AfricanUnion #InternationalCriminalCourt

@Africa @Tigray

@WarZone @Genocide

The Tigray Defense Forces (Tigrinya: ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ትግራይ; TDF: ሓምት), colloquially Tigray Army (ሰራዊት ትግራይ) Is a paramilitary defence group in Tigray. It was founded by distant former generals of Ethiopia in 2020 to fight the federal government mandate and federal forces which enforce federal mandate in the regional state, in the Tigray War. The TDF is said to have experience with guerrilla warfare. War, like all man-made disasters, is preventable. It is not inevitable that the struggle for political power within a state will lead to violent conflict. This war in Tigray is the result of “the failure of human moisture” and the triumph of criminals in Addis Ababa. In general, it is better and much cheaper, measured in terms of loss of life, destruction of property and loss of development opportunities, to solve political problems by peaceful means. Only after all peaceful and constitutional means have been exhausted is war as a last resort of self-defence and defense of freedom justifiable. Seen in the historical context and measured by this criterion, it is difficult to justify but systematic to start the war in the Ethiopian regional state of Tigray with its devastating consequences, including the immense suffering of the people of Tigray.



Biniam Yibaleh BinIAM

So there is no new truth but only a fresh revelation of ancient truth, as she testified in..Tel +4915127979800 #ጉግል #BinIAM #YibALeh #ቢንያም nEvEr rUn nEvEr StaY.